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Connect: Empowerment for the political and civic participation of young migrants
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Today we face in Europe and in the world a demanding challenge – migration, is putting in our society a huge pressure. We believe nevertheless, that migration and in particular young migrants can be an added value for the development of our countries and communities. For these reason 9 organizations active on the field of youth work from Cabo Verde, Finland, Greece, Guiné Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé e Principe, Spain and Sweden have decided to develop a long term cooperation project.Our project aims to contribute to for the capacity building of youth workers from civil society organizations, particularly the ones working with young migrants and public authorities at local and regional level to be able to increase the success of their integration policies on young migrants. At the same time that focus also on the capacity building of youth leaders from migrant communities and young refugees groups. In order to reach our project aims we have defined the following specific objectives: A) To increase the capacity of NGOs working with young migrants to influence policy at local and regional level;B) To empower local organizations staff to better involve young migrants in the decision making process of their programmes and activities;C) To increase the political influence of young migrants in their communities and regions;D) To improve local and regional integration policies and the competences of local stakeholders to work together (multi stakeholders and cross sectorial initiatives) and with migrants in developing new programmes;E) To develop instruments that can support NGOs that need to start working with young migrants (proving support to new inflow of migrants);F) To support the integration and the development of a sense of belonging of young migrants in their host communities; G) To increase the level of the business sector involvement in migrant youth integrationH) To raise the level of awareness within the communities in Europe about the impact of human traffic, particularly addressing youth;During the 21 month of the project duration the partners will jointly implement an international seminar “Building from within: Improving integration and migration policies together with young migrants”; a training course for youth workers and youth leaders: “Together enhancing the participation of young migrants”. Will develop open education resources such as a manual/tool-kit on engagement of young migrants and will have an international conference. On the local level the project is foreseen to have a significant impact with the implementation of training course, local youth initiatives and development of the action plans for integration of young migrants. We believe that our project can definitely contribute for a different vision and approach into migration policy particularly addressing young migrants, where they are not viewed as a challenge but instead as a source of power, talents, and new energy for the receiving society.
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8 Partners Participants