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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

IES Condestable Álvaro de Luna is a High Secondary and Vocational Training school. It has a total of 88 workers among teachers and administrative personnel and 1086 students on the whole. We have been developing an innovation project in Vocational Training Studies and we feel it is the moment to take a further quality step with our teachers and also to try to improve the training our students get. So, this is a well defined project, aimed at both improving the students' training in the middle Grade of Commerce and Marketing studies and also updating our teacher training so that in a near future we can establish the necessary steps to implement the so-called Dual Vocational Training.The mobilities will be to different companies provided by our partner, the LYCEE POLYVALENT SAINT PAUL in CHARLEVILLE-MEZIERES, France. We intend these mobilities to be of two types and different length: - Two-weeks students mobility to local companies so as to implement their practice training period. There will be a total of 4 students participating and the mobilities will take place along two years.- One-week mobilities for teachers in Vocational Training centres in partner countries, so as they can observe and analyse the training in those countries and exchange experiences and good practices. These mobilities will also take place along two years.

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