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Conceptual approach for new routes in eHealth: Movement practices of elderly care (CareMoves)
Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Aug 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Linked with the ‘demographic challenge’ of a rapidly aging population, there is an increasing move of healthcare practices into the home. At the same time ‘smart home’ technologies and other assistive devices are transforming homes into clinics. With these movements a range of new and alternative healthcare practices have emerged.The CareMoves project proposes to explore how formal and informal elderly care is reconstituted with an analytical focus on movement practices. The aim of the project is to understand what this focus might imply for new conceptualizations of healthcare and healthcare technologies. This will be done through the following three main research objectives:1.) Generate empirical knowledge of movement practices of elderly care in different healthcare settings, based on exploratory ethnographic research in the United States and Scandinavia;2.) Devise an alternative conceptual approach of elderly care formulated on this new empirical knowledge;3.) Enable knowledge transfer, exchange, and public dissemination with internal and external stakeholders.We anticipate that the CareMoves project will have immediate implications for new innovative routes in eHealth, mainly for assisting the lives of older people. Furthermore, we believe that the project will influence future public policies including the design of eHealth information and communication technologies (ICTs) for older people.
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