Search for European Projects

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project ‘Con l’Europa verso il futuro’ involves 110 students at the end of their penultimate year of study before graduation. The sending network consists of four High School Educational Institutes located in central Sicily, in an area suffering from a socio-economic point of view and penalized by the lack of roads and by the territorial isolation. Students are drawn from a wide variety of courses: Vocational for the Agricultural and Rural Development and the Gastronomy and hotel hospitality, Economics International Relations for Marketing. Potentially they are profiles suitable to contribute to an integrated development model that relates and bring out the excellence in the area. But at present they do not provide many opportunities to access to a qualified profession and a stable outlook. Moreover a significant percentage of students is exposed to school failure, school dropout and dispersion. Considered these economic and social difficulties this project focuses on three main objectives : -The development of technological and digital skills to invest in an economy based on knowledge- tools. -To recognize the importance of communicative skills in Community languages to enhance the international competitiveness and the attractiveness of local products. -The growth of professional and technological skills, promoting a spirit of enterprise that operates in synergy with local realities. In terms of method, Con l’Europa is an integrated training project divided into learning units that develops according to the rules of the alternation between school learning and training in work context. Starting in June 2015 the stay abroad includes a first week of preparation for the linguistic and social placement and four weeks of work experience to be carried out in groups composed of several professional profiles. Many of the Host organisations are part of the partnership network created during the previous cooperation with the sending Institutes. Destination countries will be United Kingdom, France, Spain and Malta, that are more suitable as to the needs of linguistic and professional analysis for the most studied languages as multicultural stimulus and as a way to develop IT skills. The choice of the destination has considered the opportunity of direct flights from Sicily. This project involves the evaluation of the activities carried out by the participants during the work experience in order to recognize the results according to qualitative and quantitative indicators, with regard to ECVET system. Finally based on the same evidence the Europass Mobility Document will be prepared and issued to the participants.

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