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CON BE LIB - The Competencies Framework for Preventive Book Conservation in Traditional and Digital Form

The CON BE LIB project aims at setting up a process to investigate and identify professional profiles in the field of book conservation, in addition to mapping out the relevant skills/competences required by the profession. To achieve this, the project will initially undertake a comparative analysis of occupational needs, legal frameworks and training practices across the participating partner countries in order to establish a shared framework of competencies for the sector. The end results of the project will comprise a dedicated website, a report on the comparative analysis undertaken across the participating countries, a project glossary and a repertoire of professional competencies. Dissemination plans to include publication of a project newsletter throughout the project lifetime, development of a dedicated project website and the hosting of a final international conference. The beneficiaries of the project will be vocational training bodies, local authorities and SME's working in the field of book conservation.

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