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Computerised laboratory in science and technology teaching - ComLab-SciTech

This project will develop courses and training tools for the promotion of autonomous learning of science, thereby improving the learning process. This will be done by the integration of a virtual and the real laboratory using computer-based laboratory simulations. There does not appear to be a link, at the moment, between real and virtual laboratories. For more effective teaching, various ICT tools and concepts will be integrated and methods applied during the teaching process which will be chosen according to learning goals. Specifically the task of the partners involved would be to prepare courses, in English, for teachers in computer-based data acquisition and control and an overview of computer-based experiments and computer-controlled models. Multifunction data acquisition and control system (MF-DAQ) laboratory equipment will be finalised by the end of the second year, leading to production of a hands-on course for selected science and technology topics. The primary target groups are trainee teachers of science and technology, schools from different sectors where science is a part of their curricula and technology schools and colleges. The partners will test prototype versions of the products, which will also be exchanged between partners for testing by potential users. Based on the feedback, the finalised courses will be produced with multimedia teaching material and interactive tutors.

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