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Computerbetrug und Gegenmaßnahmen
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: May 1, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Partners: A. Staatliche Berufsschule 2 Landshut (sending institution) B. School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering (“ACE”) (receiving institution) at the University of East London (UEL) C. 20 Sstudents of the Staatliche Berufsschule 2 Landshut per flow Describing the Needs: - "Hacker steal Rewe's customer data"(18.07.2011); - "Trojans by fraud emails from Telekom und Vodafone" (Focus, 14.01.14) - "Hackers kidnap more than 2 Millionen Passwörter at Facebook, Twitter und other websites (Süddeutsche Zeitung, 05.12.13); -"Up to the present day companies and state governed organisations doing business with weapons, financial transactions or high-tech research were in the focus but what we expect is enhancing the target range to companies in the raw material, energy, transport, food and pharmacy business as well as ISP and IT-security companies, " warns Alexander Gostev, Chief Security Expert with Kaspersky Lab und Author of the report „Cyberthreat-Prognosis for 2012“(21.12.2011); - "Millions of user accounts hijacked" (Tagesschau, 21.01.14) All examples point to the same direction: modern economy is exposed to international fraud. An element all our commercial clerks share: even more than as a private customer (homebanking, private Wifi-Access und Computers, social netzworks) their dealing with customers and their data. Aims: in terms of know-how: - building awareness of data security - understanding the companies' data are in danger - knowing data manipulation and data fraud - detecting poorly secured systems - knowing how to protect computer systems - implementation of the knowledge gained in making systems secure in terms of language: - english vocabulary regarding internet, computers und fraud. soft skills -intercultural und sociocultural learning overall aims: - Betrugsmethoden in der Datenwelt kennen, erkennen und deren Auswirkungen durch geeignete Maßnahmen vermeiden können. - knowing and detecting data fraud tricks and avoiding them by corresponding measures. -understanding texts linked to computer fraud - encountering multicultural London society - livelong learning ability place of conduction: University of East London, Docklands Campus, University Way, London E16 2RD, United Kingdom period: 2015/2016

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