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Competition-Induced Novel Quantum States (COMPETE)
Start date: Jan 27, 2015, End date: Jan 26, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Our project aims at an experimental investigation of exotic states of matter, particularly, quantum criticality and quantum spin liquid where quantum criticality seems to play a major role, which are rapidly expanding fields in physics and material chemistry. We focus on itinerant ferromagnetic quantum critical systems and geometrically frustrated novel triangular corner sharing kagome antiferromagnet and edge sharing Mott insulators, which display exotic properties stemming from quantum fluctuations and are robust to perturbations. We plan to explore the novel quantum states and low lying excitations of these materials with the state of the art thermodynamics, NMR, and muSR techniques down in sub-Kelvin temperature range. Our experimental findings will address most of the enduring issues in ferromagnetic quantum criticality and frustrated magnetism and will trigger a revival of the existing theoretical models and conceptual ideas. We plan to study the field induced effects which shed lights on quantum criticality and quantum phase transitions. We also plan to unravel the nature of magnetic correlation by introducing non-magnetic impurities in the host frustrated magnets. Our investigation will reveal the nature of collective excitations and intrinsic susceptibility on a local stand."
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