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Competenze digitali per lo sviluppo di nuovi modelli didattici per la Learning City
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The new information technologies are deeply modifying the learning techniques thus allowing the access to knowledge sources and to their use beyond space and time limits that are typical of the previous technologies. The activity of assistance and support to learning (tutoring) can be implemented also in the distance and also the communications and the human relations among the different actors of the training can be increased and deepened outside the classrooms. As a consequence, the information technologies can modify the traditional didactical models as well as the pedagogical approaches in the different disciplines increasing the didactical abilities of the teachers and the effectiveness of their training. Our project aims at innovating the didactical methodologies for the training of adults through the use of information technologies. The first beneficiaries will be the teachers of Università delle LiberEtà, who will acquire new competences and will learn the best practices in some European training centres chosen as project partners. We expect to reach the following specific results: • The acquisition and improvement of the competences for the use of the information technologies as a support for adult training; • The recognition of new digital didactical models for the different subjects taught at Università delle LiberEtà; • The dissemination of the digital competences among other colleagues operating in our lifelong learning centre. Later on the ones that will benefit from these innovations will be: • The adults participating to training courses in order to facilitate the overcoming of the digital divide and the social inclusion; • Other adult education centres in Italy and in the network of our European partners through communication channels that will be implemented for the dissemination. The project partners have been chosen on the basis of the specific competences developed in the implementation of the information technologies to the didactical models in adult education centres. Such competences have been acquired in the development of specific projects oriented at the innovation of methodologies for adult education. The trainers include ICT experts specialized in communication technologies and adult education. Università delle LiberEtà gives the highest importance to the exchange of experiences and competences with other partners of its European network. To this purpose we aim, in a future perspective, to share such experiences through exchanges based on a reciprocity criteria. Therefore it will be necessary to document and evaluate the competences through a tool recognized at European level. For this reason the knowledge and abilities that will be acquired will be certified with the Europass Mobility document.

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3 Partners Participants