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Competentiegericht evalueren in een Europees kader
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Provincial Institute Piva wants to adress the evaluation of competences in school in a modern way. In view of the growing number of nationalities among the student population in Flanders and more specifically in Antwerp, each with their own cultural background and schoolcareer, we are looking for modern and flexible evaluation instruments.Instruments that will allow the pupil to evaluate himself and others, aided by a teacher or coach.In Piva we would like to implement this in a modern and digital way within all 4 fields of expertise offered in our school (bakery – butchery – hotel and catering industry – tourism).In order to get an idea of existing evaluation systems for vocational education abroad, we would like to send 16 teachers to schools with which we have formed a partnership through relevant Erasmus+ experiences in the CHASE-network and AEHT. The schools were specifically chosen in light of the difference in evaluation systems applied.We further plan to send 2 teachers to Europe’s biggest ICT-event for education, the BETT show in London, over the next two years. This will allow the teachers to attend workshops and lectures concerning the evolution of ICT in education.Since 2014 Piva has been working on a strategic plan for the future in which both evaluation and internationalisation are key points. This project will therefore fit perfectly within the evolution and development of the school and the current needs within secondary school education. The final objective is to evaluate the student more efficiently and more personally as to his skills needed in his chosen labour market.We will implement this gradually with the aid of digital tools that will facilitate differentiation and that will make the evaluations fit closer to the social environment of the student, the guidelines (ECVET and curriculum goals) and the reforms within the secondary education in Flanders. The “M-decreet” (Measurements Decree) wants to offer a wide support to every pupil and focuses mainly on the principles of UDL (Universal Design of Learning) guided by the principle that, what is necessary for some, may well be benificial to all. UDL has already been fully implemented in quite a few countries, whereas for us it is still a steep learning curve. Also in this field we could certainly learn a lot from the experience gained in other countries.
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