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Competente pentru un turism de calitate european
Start date: Oct 10, 2014, End date: Oct 9, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mobility proposed project was initiated in the context in which the educational and training systems must edow the students with competencies needed on labour market and for integration, participation and social succes. In Romania the ocupation rate is low, Dolj county belonging to such a category.The project answers the need to make the work force more productive, to train students proffesional and transversal competences to facilitate the transition from school to work. “Competences in Quality European Tourism” project is dedicated to the students attending vocational and technical studies in Tourism and Food, Technician in Tourism, Technician in Gastronomy, Banqueting Organiser. Its target is to enhance the student’s chances of employability and to develop their professional and personal competencies in order to competitively be integrated on the labour market and in society, both in Romania and in Europe. The beneficiary of this project would be the “ Gheorghe Chitu” National College of Commerce, Craiova, Romania and the following transnational partners: Esmovia(Sistema Practices s.l) as receiving organization in Valencia, Sistema Turismo s.r.l as receiving organization in Potenza, Italia and BERLINK ETN Gmbh as receiving organization in Berlin, Germania. The project target group is formed by 45 students aged between 16 -18, attending vocational and technical courses. The practice period will cover three weeks in Valencia-Spain, Potenza-Italia, and Berlin-Germany. The scope of the project derives from a real need of professional training of students who are to become technicians in tourism, in gastronomy and banqueting organizer in order to have the opportunity of a complete professional training, to improve their learning performance by acquiring new skills and knowledge at European standards in the field of tourism and gastronomy. In this respect the project aims are: - Training and developing key competences for the transition from school to work; - Training the skills and practical abilities specific to tourism and alimentation; - Improving foreign language competences, including communication in a foreign language in the field of tourism and alimentation; - Training and developing the positive attitude towards work, team work and improving the behavior competencies; - Training the mentality of being open to innovation; - Encouraging learning foreign languages and the use of ICT - Offering students equal chances in education and in future profession. - Offering the opportunity to the students to socialize and communicate to people from abroad; - Creating a professional training European dimension; - To enhance the partnership in order to grow the number of mobilities in future. The participants will get skills and knowledge specific to the tourism and alimentation syllabus. In a broader sense the project aims at stimulating the interest in vocational education, ameliorating the initial professional training, developing the participant institutional capacities and promoting quality, developing the school offer for relevant qualifications on the labour market, facilitating the links and communication with partners in Europe. The implementation of the project ensures the school openness to partnerships as a modality to benefit the opportunities offered by the European Union. The project activities eill cover: Organising the management team (beneficiary and partners), the preparatory activities before students mobility in the partner coutries, monitoring and evaluating the project and its activities, disemination. For the project succes there will be developed operational plans for each activity, accompanied by the indicators and the monitoring and evaluation process. A flexible approach will be ensured and risk management will be used. From the very beginning of the project, the communication strategy will be developed. Feedback for feed forward will be the priciple to help the succes of the project.
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6 Partners Participants