European Projects
Competențe digitale și antreprenoriale în formarea..
Competențe digitale și antreprenoriale în formarea artistică inițială
Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: May 31, 2017
The necessity of a mobility project for students of the Visual Arts profile resulted from educational objectives and targets proposed by the institutional Development Plan for 2012-2016 to 2018-2020, perspectives of the Lyceum of fine Arts "V. Brauner" Piatra Neamț, in particular the one concerning "quality assurance training process in order to increase the chances of socio-professional integration, development of institutional cooperation with businesses, patronage for the formation of practical skills.
The project "digital and entrepreneurial Skills in the training of the initial artistic" proposes the following objectives: the objectives of the project: O1-deepening and development of practical size-applied specialized training of participants, in a real economy directly linked to their area of training;
O2-the development of skills necessary for the design and development process of advertising material providing the rigour and the aesthetics of the work;
O3-Familiarization with the relationship customer-students with the notion of marketing and promotion for sales, production and differentiated product promotion;
These objectives will be achieved through development of a formative and managerial experiences to our educational institution through a period of snakes across Southeast training in companies in Spain and Portugal, by 40 students of the Department of Visual Arts, forming into 2 groups of 20 participants, selected from the 11th class of the school years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017.
Thus, this project will provide key skills training and specific skills required through OMECTS No. 5399/differentiated curriculum, the flights of the Lyceum, vocational, artistic profile chain, arts majors, decorative arts, discipline "computer image Processing", which is allocated for 2 hrs/WK.(36săpt. x 2 = 72 hours). 3 weeks (30 hours x 3 = 90 hours) of training period will be complemented by achieving general entrepreneurial skills contained in the schedule of the economy of the Lyceum cycle, which was approved by the order of 3252/13.02.2006.
Stage shall be satisfied by the delivery organizations DesarrolloWeb, DSI-Spain, CHAPA5, explore the idea of using intermediate organizations-Europroject Granada Spain MEP and Intercultural Association Mobility Friends Portugal. Training activities will be in the business of intregrate the day-to-day running of the company. Participants will be divided into groups as follows-2 groups of 5 students in Spanish and reception organizations in 2 groups of 5 students in the Portuguese organizations, over the course of 2 years of study. The expected results of the teaching will be validated, recognized and transferred by the partner institutions, 7 on the basis of:
-Memorandum of understanding-
-learning Agreement and Commitment of quality
-the Europass Mobility Certificate.
The working methodology of the partnership shall abide by the principles of the "circle" of quality in the implementation of the ECVET mobility-before, during, and after the mobility .
Expected results: The level of participants: the acquisition and development of professional skills of the participants, in the field of computer graphics and entrepreneurship; materials for the promotion of project results-folding (100 PCs.), posters (10 PCs.); web page; implementation of practical activities-applied during which beneficiaries will be able to experience demultiplica, differentiated learning within the PCI, in particular by taking up and pursuit of the role of the "trainers" for/high school classmates, especially through the establishment and operation of a virtual company field of activity: design, advertising, course support-"techniques for achieving various advertising materials". At the level of the beneficiary institution-a model approach to specialty training, human resource development in terms of skills, competencies, knowledge and transfer of credits in terms of ECVET to benefit future generations of graduates of the Lyceum of fine Arts.