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Competente antreprenoriale pentru profesionistii si elevii din industria ospitalitatii
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project will enable teachers and students to engage effectively in learning activities with entrepreneurial character to ensure an improved quality of education and thus, results consisting of acquired competencies. Teachers and students will improve their professional and entrepreneurial skills focusing on practical and operational applied aspects. In the harsh and less predictable economic reality, only the professional abilities will not ensure a favorable outcome in the career. It also requires entrepreneurial skills: organizational, teamwork, critical evaluation and management ones that guarantee career success. Teachers' teaching skills and students' competencies in the food industry and tourism field will be improved to European standards and will develop entrepreneurial skills for teachers and participating students from the 10th and 11th forms in Tourism and Food Industry profile and from the vocational school (chefs, pastry chefs and waiters). The risk factors our school students are exposed to (rural origin in more than 50 %, the economic crisis in the area, family problems, the belonging to a region facing a high unemployment rate, labor market trends, etc. . ) require the development of skills that facilitate the transition from school to work, especially entrepreneurial and career management ones. As a result of attending the training program, the teachers participating at practical training sessions in prestigious training institutions will improve and introduce innovative teaching methods, will settle the latest tools to achieve optimal training of students in the school; they will develop entrepreneurial skills in training activities for high school and vocational school students by attending a training program in which students will be actively involved and aware of their own training and instruction. Students participating in mobility training program will benefit from a competent mentorship and will develop activities that determine their professional development as well as the improving of their entrepreneurial skills which will make them more competitive in the labor market and will increase their accountability and adaptability . Mobilities will run for 5 days for 8 teachers and 14 days for each of the three streams of 9 students and an accompanying teacher each; partners agreed on mobility programs and content that will be addressed as well as on measures for monitoring and evaluation. The project will be planned carefully , will be advertised accordingly and the results will be disseminated at local, national and European level. Partners will maintain communication and cooperation permanently, they shall consult and negotiate the differing viewpoints. All activities will be conducted as described in Erasmus Guide + and the work methodology and procedures will be designed so as to ensure an appropriate quality level. Training/Learning Agreement will be drawn up on the basis of European Quality Charter for Mobility and signed by all stakeholders.
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2 Partners Participants