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Competences in Elementary Chinese as a mean to improve competitiveness of European Union companies
Start date: Nov 1, 2007,

Day after day China increases its exports to Europe and to most of the countries in theworld. At the same time, the EU increases its exports to China. European companiesare aware of the advantages of starting commercial relations with China for reducingtheir production cost or their commercial inputs. Furthermore, China is becoming one ofthe favourite tourist destinations. As a consequence the demand of Chinese language isincreasing every year. Therefore, this project responds to two main needs: learningChinese, and making available modern and attractive materials to teach. The results ofthe project will help more people to start learning it, but meanly, will contribute inreducing the number of people who leave it after a short period.The general aim of the project is to improve the competitiveness of Europeancompanies facilitating the acquisition of competences in the Chinese language andcultural understanding. In order to achieve this, specific objectives have been agreed:• Research aimed at identifying available courses and materials for Chineselanguages, and in particular multimedia materials.• Research aimed at identifying the needs for Chinese language competences ofemployees from companies dealing with China, vocational training students,university students, and general education students.• The production of a web site on Chinese language and culture• The production of a multimedia and interactive Chinese language course.• The promotion and implementation of the produced course.• National and international dissemination of the project and project results.• Exploitation of results, particularly the web site and the Chinese languagecourse.
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