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COMPetences for Agencies for Sustainable Site conversion
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT: The increasingly worrying convergence of different crises in EU requires our society to reconsider our production and consumption models: it is urgent to foster the creation of synergies between private actors, institutions, social groups and unions, which need to work together in order to achieve a successful ecological conversion of our production models. Our partnership believes that educational improvements can help employability and reduce poverty, so the project is inspired to the priorities of EU 2020 Strategy, and its activities aim to contribute to the achievement of Strategy 2020 targets on Employment and Climate change and energy sustainability. OBJECTIVES: Main aim: To build and deliver a training path aimed at the creation and recognition of a new professional profile/curriculum in response to the emerging need of the EU job market: a Sustainable conversion consultant, a professional able to move into a global/local contest and understand and promote transition’s scenarios towards environmental and social sustainability. Specific objectives: - Promote green entrepreneurship education for developing active citizenship, employability and creation of new professional CV; - Support lifelong learning and work paths for individuals; - Support the mainstreaming of OERs for lifelong learning; - Provide partner organizations with new tools to improve/renew/update their training offer; - Establish connections and business partnerships between different actors; - Promote and raise awareness throughout EU on the opportunities of employment offered by green jobs. TARGET GROUPS: Target groups: - young unemployed graduates of several backgrounds: architects, urban planners, engineers, urban sociologists; - older unemployed professionals of the same backgrounds who have had previous work experience but have lost their jobs; - administrators of local public authorities. INDIRECT TARGET GROUPS: - University students, private actors, consultants and professionals interested or involved in sustainable conversion/green economy sectors, local authorities, policy makers. METHODOLOGY: - Use of an interdisciplinary approach in order to gain an integrated and complete approach to a socially, environmentally and economically sustainable conversion of territories and public sites. The purpose is to dissolve the boundaries between areas of study and encourage learning across the curricula, creating a whole new professional CV. - Use of case study in training activities as a didactic strategy which can facilitate and promote active learning, help problem solving, and encourage the development of critical thinking skills. KEY ACTIVITIES/OUTPUTS: COMPASS intends to contribute to tackle the mentioned challenges through building and delivering a training path aimed at creation and recognition of a new professional profile/CV: a Sustainable conversion consultant. It will produce 3 innovative intellectual outputs: - COMPASS Pilot Training course will provide young unemployed graduates and older unemployed professionals useful and effective knowledge/competences in sustainable and ecological territorial and sites conversion. - Case Studies to be used as didactic material within the training course and as standalone OER for the promotion and sensitization on the project topics. - Final methodology guidelines that will explain in details the methodology developed by the project in terms of training and business model (interdisciplinary approach). Thanks to COMPASS broad and targeted dissemination strategy we intend to create awareness throughout EU on the necessity to create CV in response to a changing world, where the sustainability has to be considered in every choice, in our private lives and in the changing labor market. RESULTS: - Implementation of innovative learning/teaching methodologies; - Update, renewal and enhancement of partner organizations' teaching/training offer; - Creation of a new professional CV: Expert in sustainable sites conversion; - Increased young unemployed graduates' and older unemployed professionals entrepreneurial competences, their capacity to create and manage entrepreneurial activities and skills, entrepreneurial competences in sustainable conversion sector (sustainable urban planning); - The development and use of OER in the area of green economy, participatory planning and sustainable conversion. IMPACT: COMPASS's results and deliverables will motivate, engage and inspire learner’s entrepreneurship, and which can be readily embedded into innovative business processes, supporting the transformation of learning outcomes into permanent and valuable knowledge assets. COMPASS will provide its target groups with further corollary impact of faster and more effective acquisition of knowledge, competences and skills, increased knowledge worker productivity, and more efficient organizational learning processes.
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5 Partners Participants