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Competence Raising for Textile Competitiveness in Multicultural Environment

The fast development of the textile and clothing sector (T&C), demand a sustainable development of formal and informal competences of employees in this sector. Combining formal and informal competence development during the process of on-going professional development within enterprise have to be assured. Starting with the needs assessment and planning the potential competence development at the national and European level will support the development of professional development, lifelong learning courses and mobility in T&C sector. The focus on competences and learning outcomes within initial and further education in T&C sector will raise transparency, flexibility, efficiency and competitiveness within the sector at EU and global level. The project aims at assisting national and European competence framework in T&C sector connecting all main stakeholders in vocational education with TC4ME web based tool and database. The main target groups of project are teachers and trainers in vocational schools for textile and clothing, top and human resources management in companies, recruitment offices, etc. Teachers/trainers are main change agents who can contribute significantly in the recognition of the competences for individuals and organisations. Within networking and collaborating at the EU level in order to assist the activities for the development and skills of teachers, trainers and tutors aligned with EU perspective the project will support the integration of ICT tools into cVET. The planned outcomes of the project will assist the processes at the individual, organisational and system levels. TC4ME will provide a web-based tool, which can be used by employers, organisations, chambers, ministries, schools and single persons participating in textile sector. The tool will register different kinds of skills and competences: all necessary basic skills for a certain education and informal competences such as technical competences, where you cannot document any formal examination, and personal competences, which are achieved. All those three kinds of competences will be presented in an E-portfolio, which can be compared with desired competence profile on the company website, where others may compare their own competences to the demands.
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5 Partners Participants