Search for European Projects

Comparative Regional Governance
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This application seeks to fill a gap in the study of the EU in comparative regional governance in Australia. It will constitute added value in the University of Melbourne’s Masters in International Relations which is successful in attracting high student numbers from across Australia and the Asia Pacific as well as Europe and the US. The study of the Asia Pacific from an Australian perspective tends to neglect the role – and impact - of the EU in the Asia Pacific region and in comparative analysis. This innovative course proposed in this application seeks to bridge EU studies and Asian studies as well as the study of regional governance in South America and Africa. The intention is to render the curriculum on regional governance explicitly comparative and transnational. Professor Murray’s teaching is grounded in her research. In this new course, she will encourage students to question dominant categories in political science, to challenge teleology and orthodoxy in EU studies and to dismantle a silo approach in regionalism studies, through curriculum and scholarship. The course will encourage students to re-consider political concepts about the political entity which is the EU, and to critique the nation state, the EU, regionalism and governance processes, in developing their expertise through vigorous multidisciplinary debate. The objective is to examine regional governance in the EU, ASEAN, Mercosur and the African Union in terms of economic, security and institutional structures and regionalism. It will examine the role of the EU as a governance norms entrepreneur in other regional bodies.The course will enhance dynamic program-building, where research, teaching and policy engagement are closely linked.

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