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Cómo motivar estudiantes para finalizar la educación obligatoria. Enseñanzasinnovadoras y métodos de aprendizaje para reducir el abandono escolar tempranoen una sociedad de aprendizaje permanente (II)
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

HOW TO MOTIVATE STUDENTS TO COMPLETE THEIR SECONDARY EDUCATION. INNOVATIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS TO REDUCE EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING WITHIN A PERMANENT LEARNING SOCIETY (II)Sierra de Aras secondary school receives students from different backgrounds, a high percentage of them coming from families with a low socio- economic level. Most of them are dysfunctional families suffering from unemployment or having little professional qualification, which mean serious economic and social deficits. Many of the students who start their studies in our school end up leaving the educational system, and that is why we are involved in a compensatory education programme.The school intends to contribute to the fulfillment of the objectives given by the 2020 European Strategy, which includes the objective to reduce early school leaving to a level below 10%. We would like our teachers to improve and update their teaching methods and approaches so as to foster motivation in students to finish their secondary education, as well as to get to know new learning standards and 21st century teaching skills, analysing good practice on this specific issue in some countries with prestigious national education systems.Our second aim is intended to provide our school with well qualified staff, which allows us to keep working in the development of our internationalisation plan and its European level. This is the main reason why taking training courses in other European countries will be crucial in order to go through intercultural and international learning experiences, as a previous stage to implement future KA2 actions (Cooperation Strategies Association) and to make contacts who may become future partners.Teachers of different subjects are involved in this project to take training courses abroad, where we could learn new and innovative methodologies which can be carried out in our future lessons as well as explained and analysed through Work Groups. These teachers will be chosen in accordance with objective criteria (working time at our school, curriculum, personal interview, foreign languages skills) which allow us to succeed in the project. Also as part of the project, we are willing to widespread future adquired knowledge to other schools in our town through cooperation seminars organised by the Teachers Association Centres.We strongly believe that our project is the first step needed in order to reduce early school leaving efficently. We have the firm purpose to continue working and developing the internationalisation process of our school so that we will be able to know about how measures to reduce early school leaving are being implemented in other countries schools. Consequently, we will carry out projects on international cooperation further in the future.

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