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Community Work
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is to propose different activities for 2 EVS volunteers in a rural area of Aquitaine. Volunteers will have the possibility to invest their time and energy in the child and youth structures of the territory of the Communauté de Communes de l'Entre Deux Mers (CDC), by proposing educationnal games. Volunteers will sustain and enrich the projects that the organizer’s team put in place for the youth and children. Volunteers will also have the opportunity to participate to activity supported by Concordia such as international workcamps, fair trade group or “Tools for life” project. This project lasts 11 months and is open to Programme and Partners countries. It will be hold in a rural area, 20 km away from Bordeaux. We welcome two volunteers to develop activities for children and youth. Those activities have a double aim: imply youth in their community and have a better knowledge of European diversity. Since 6 years, the project with CDC is getting richer since the area where volunteers intervene is getting wider. They are now able to work with children 2 to 17 years old in different places. The will of the CDC is to emphasise the project itself but also the EVS and their implication. To enrich this partnership, we also realised a youth exchange about discriminations. Those kind of projects will allow the local population to discover a new European project and contribute to have a dynamic territory. This is why the CDC is very enthousiastic about welcoming new European volunteers for 2014/15 and to make a new youth exchange. The sending partners are INEX-DSA and LJV.
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2 Partners Participants