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Community Environmental Learning Laboratories for Sustainability
Start date: Jan 1, 2013,

The problem that CELLS addresses is the growing the ecological footprint of European countries in the past decades. This issue has been addressed by the EU Sustainable Development Strategy and by the United Nations Decade for Education for Sustainable Development, which emphasize the role of education in achieving a sustainable future. CELLS aims to improve and accelerate the EcoTeam community learning methodology that was elaborated by the Global Action Plan and that has been adapted by the PPs in various forms. During CELLS, partners improve the dissemination and the accessibility of the method to new target groups, while also making the core program more efficient by improving its methods and content. For these aims PPs alter the content of the program and improve their methods in order to more effectively 1) reach groups vulnerable to the present economic crisis, 2) expand the geographical spread of the program, 3) reach existing formal communities and 4) reach early adopters of new ITCs. To involve more households, PPs adapt the content of the program (workbook, internet, smart phone) to the needs of the new target groups (accessibility, themes, surfaces) and improve and test the EcoTeam training methods. For increased efficiency PPs wish to 1) monitor their education activities and improve management processes, 2) improve their long-term result tracking methods, 3) offer better ICT support through web pages, social media and smart phones and 4) build new alliances to reach new audiences.CELLS provides improved/new training, education content, supporting websites, smart phone applications, result tracking methods and social media support manuals, which will be intensively tested with the target audience. During the process 13 trainers and 80-90 EcoTeam coaches will be trained and about 3-4000 household (beneficiaries) will be involved in testing; the results will be disseminated to 20-30 partner organisations and to 4-500 education experts.

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5 Partners Participants