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Community Currency In Action (CCIA)
Start date: Jan 31, 2011, End date: Jan 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The CCIA aim is to transfer diverse and regionally dispersed knowledge relating to the design. development and application of community currencies (CCs) in a variety of contexts through cooperation. co-working and effective communication. The goal of this transfer is to provide for the innovative development of a centralised. formalised and empirically driven set of tools that can be picked up and used by various governmental and non-governmental actors at a community level. and that provides a rigorously tested package of support structures. By doing so. the concept of community currencies will energise citizens and communities. making them more inclusive and prosperous. and local economies more resilient and environmentally sustainable. CCIA will make communities more attractive; improve business climate; strengthen the economic and social performance of cities. towns and rural areas. Our project objectives are: 1) Implement CC demonstrations. to strengthen communities and deliver positive social. environmental and economic outcomes in a range of localities across the NWE region in 3 years (WP1) 2) Deliver clear guidance on the role of the government and transformation of public services. and create a common set of recommendations for local implementation (WP2) 3) Create basic conditions for a sustainable infrastructure needed for implementation. taking into account differences in rural/urban. and in CC-methodologies (eg. loyalty. time-points) to enable reproducibility (WP3) 4) Promote CCs as credible vehicles for achieving social. economic and environmental outcomes. and clarify the chances. opportunities and benefits for other communities to enable CC uptake (WP4) Achievements: Through sharing expertise on areas such as legal and compliance, achieving policy goals and effectively evaluating impact, CCIA is well on the way to strengthening the international ground from which future community currencies (CCs) can launch.Earlier this year CCIA published a toolkit for measuring the impact of community currencies both at a grassroots or local government level. This guide to evaluation titled “No Small Change” has already been utilised by the currency pilots within CCIA, and has been put into action further afield. The partnership will follow up on the evaluation process later this year with the publication of interim results from the 6 CCIA pilots.In the development of the ICT platform ‘QoinWare’ designed to offer optimal user experience with both effective web and smartphone interfaces, CCIA have recognised the digital needs of CCs. Building on existing payments systems technology, the platform emphasises the need for flexibility and as such can be made adaptable for the requirements of the range of distinct CCIA currency pilots. The platform will be made “open source” next year, becoming a valuable resource for new CCs.Working collaboratively, the 8 CCIA partners have co-designed a Community Currency Implementation Framework that lays out how CCs can be designed to achieve positive social, economic and environmental goals. Later this year the framework will be worked up into a book providing a “How to Start a Community Currency” guide that incorporates the learnings of the transnational collaboration, with a special focus on how CCs can address policy goals.So far the partnership project has raised great interest at a local, national and international level. Partners have held transnational events attended by delegates from throughout the NWE area and further afield. Some highlights of the media attention the project has attracted includes: a visit to the Makkie currency in 2013 by the Dutch Prime Minister; a press conference hosted by hosted attended by all CCIA partners and covered by the regional television station and radio; NEF invited to speak about currencies on BBC world service and Russia Today and the Nantes-based pilot soon to launch covered extensively in the French media, including business magazines, national press and a primetime slot on regional TV.
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  • 50%   3 126 978,50
  • 2007 - 2013 North West Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

7 Partners Participants