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Communication & Cooperation
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Communication & Cooperation (C-C)" consists of 3 youth-exchanges, which all are using the participative arts (music, dance, drama, circus & visual art) as a catalyst for communication and intercultural learning: 1) 26.7-2.8.2015 in Sakskoebing, DK with 51 participants age 14-17 from DK, FI, LT & PL. 2) 18-25.9.2015 in Reda, PL with 48 participants age 13-15 from DK, DE, PL & SE 3) 20-27.5.2016 in Klaipeda, LT with 48 participants age 13-15 from DK, FI, LT & SE. All 3 exchanges are referring to the strategic-partnership "Exchanges for All" which is making a cost-benefit analysis on youth-exchanges and aims at making such an integrated learning tool for 8th grade students in order to support: in order to support: - foreign language learning, - development of intercultural competences - knowledge about societies - personal development - artistic learning The program includes first 3 very intense days of art-workshops, which then will be worked together into performances and shown to other young people in the area, together with time for some sight-seeing in order to learn and understand better the host-country. C-C project will be a learning-process for both KVLC (LT) and MDK (PL), who has none or very little international experience, but Arttrain has more than 15 and will assist and support them along the way.

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