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Communicate your actions, PR your impact
Start date: Jul 21, 2014, End date: Nov 28, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Communicate your actions, PR your impact" started from the need of the collaborating organizations to promote, on a larger scale, the activities it developed and therefore to make a bigger impact on the community. We have chosen the city Brasov as the location to implement this project as a result of a small research that pointed out the need for promoting the local ONGs, among the citizens. The project is implemented by Asociatia Devision with the support of the 5 partners: Greater Manchester Trust for Recreation (UK), Institute of Ukrainian Studies (Ua), Támaszpont MOP KKA (Ug), L'Isola che non c'è (It) și Orenda Foundation (Bg). Together we established the 4 objectives of the project: 1. At the end of the project, the 24 participants will have learned the necessary practical skills of online and offline promoting of activities unfolded by non-profit organizations and they will know the basic notions of fundraising. 2. Following the 10 day training, the 24 participants, will have acquired skills and knowledge on assertive communication; nonverbal, paraverbal and verbal language that are essential in improving internal and external communication within an association/ informal group. 3. In the last 5 days on the project, the 24 participants will have created a PR strategy for 4 ONGs from the community in Brasov, strategy that will be implemented and monitored by the participants, for 2 months from the return in their country. 4. Following the activities sustained by the project, the 24 participants will have realized the importance of PR strategies in raising the impact that the ONGs have on the community and they will have succeeded in raising the visibility of the 6 organizations / partner groups, in the community, in a proportion of 20%, in 2 moth span since the activities in Brasov. All of the 24 participants are active members of collaborating organizations, managers, youth workers, that handle internal and external communication within their organization. 10 of the participants are socially, economically or geographically disadvantaged. Through their participating in this project we want to help them gain more confidence in their own strengths and in their power to improve the community they are a part of. To accomplish the goals of the project, we have planned 2 preparatory meetings in which we will be analyzing the situation regarding the PR strategies and communication within the organizations; there will be a discussion about the project’s objectives and we will be planning the intercultural evening. Thus, the participants will be ready to begin the learning process that will have as a foundation a series of non-formal methods as: role-playing, brain storming, debating, collage, team-building activities, and trust-building and also formal methods as case analysis, team-work presentations etc. Informal methods will also be present in the project. The participants will have the opportunity to discover other cultures through thematic evenings and continuous interaction. We wanted to apply all the known methods of communication and PR and that is why we will select 4 ONGs from Brasov that need a new, innovative PR strategy. Thus we will provide the participates with the opportunity to exercise, to raise their confidence level and to apply with success, a strategy in the association/ informal group they are a part of, back home. The project won’t stop at the end of the activities in Brasov. The participants will be monitoring the implementing of the strategies in the Brasov ONGs, for 2 months. The apex of the project’s impact will be the start of the campaign for the ONGs in Brasov, campaigns that will include innovative elements, with an increased visibility within community. Another important element in the project is the creation of a brochure about the steps necessary in implementing a successful PR strategy in attracting the community to an ONG. The brochure will be edited by the participants and distributed online and offline in the countries of the participants in the project. In the promoting and dissemination of the project’s results we also have the University of Brasov and the local television station, Nova TV, which will be filming the activities and interview the participants. As a plus, the blog written in English will have a raised impact. The participants and specialists from the community of each organization will use it to publish opinions, case studies, and examples of good practices. We will promote the blog with the help of Facebook and Linkedin and the brochure will be published on multiple sites. We consider that the impact of our project will be substantial because it can touch a great number of ONGs not only in Europe, but in the whole world through the instruments of dissemination used (online brochure and blog), our examples of good practices, the know-how obtained by the participants in the activities they were a part of in our project.
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5 Partners Participants