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Common Learning Outcomes for European Managers in Construction, part IV
Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This Project is related to the EU Dir 89/48/EWG on regulated professions in respect of recognition, promotion and certification of qualifications by international association and organization – from construction. The main task of the project is to improve Directive's ideas, which will lead to creation of proper EU system of comparison, certification and mutual recognition of managerial qualifications in construction. Profile of construction managers’ education, responsible for cooperation in the field of construction in the EU, developed differently in different countries. Project is the continuation of the finished LdV CLOEMC I (PL/06/B/F/PP/174014, set of 7 created manuals. That project created first 7 books for Construction Managers’ Library. CLOEMC I manuals are commercially published on PL market, in respond to demand from construction engineers. Second set of next 6 manuals was written in the CLOEMC II project (finished in December 2011 – project No: 2009-1-PL1-LEO05-05016). Third set of 6 new manuals was written in the CLOEMC III project (finished in February 2014 – project No: 2011-1-PL1-LEO05-19888). This Project foreseen creation of six new manuals for Construction Managers Library: Revitalisation and refurbishment in Construction; Building Information Modeling – BIM; Optimisation of Construction Processes; Diversity Management in Construction; Structural Mechanics for Construction Managers; Corporate Social Responsibility in Construction. Appearance on the European market of Construction Manager Library, containing full compendium of managerial knowledge in construction will promote a social dialogue, concerning adjustment of education profile for the needs of labour market. In order to decrease unemployment and increase level of managerial knowledge in construction, there is a need to educate people having qualifications and competence to run a business, which will in the end increase employment. Therefore, after project’s completion it is planned to improve postgraduate complementary courses in management, which will allow certification and assure recognition of competence according to agreed European policy concerning promotion of transparency of qualification (EuroPass), in the form of title EurBE (European Building Expert). Partners in the project (universities: WUT, DARM and RU) got experience in preparation of didactic materials for different types of courses, as well as informal learning. Professional associations (AEEBC, PSMB and CIOB) got experience in recognition of qualifications in construction and certification of managers, including EurBE card. One of the partners, AWBUD is a construction company which add industrial flavor to the project. Project will start with preparation of website and first dissemination materials. Then content related contents of each manual will be created and tested with use of multiplier events E1-E5. After improvements of content related contents first draft of text will be prepared and tested with multiplier events E6-E10. Results of the testing will be taken under consideration and final texts in English will be prepared (and proofread). Then manuals will be translated to Polish, Icelandic and German, printed and burned on CD or DVD and uploaded to internet as open source. Project will be summarized by final international conference - multiplier event E11 in Warsaw. The project will contribute to the following changes in national vocational training and practices, as added value: • Full base of didactical modules and manuals will be created, allowing to recognize qualifications and will lead to managerial education in construction, • Creation of manuals will promote social dialogue, concerning a need of adjusting education system to the needs of European labour market in construction, • Project will create a possibility and opportunity to launch postgraduate complementary courses for construction managers, in order to certify and recognize their qualification, • The project will ensure construction managers recognition of their qualifications by international network of professional association such as CIOB, PSMB, AEEBC – gathering European organizations of managers in construction. - Uniformisation of the construction managers education in EU, - Facilitation of construction engineers mobility by recognition of their education in across EU, - Better quality management of present construction investment projects (especially EU funded infrastructure projects), - Better absorption of EU funds in Partners countries, - Decreasing the cost of the projects, better possibility of savings in the projects (especially nowadays, during present financial crisis), - Increasing the status of managers in construction. - via creation of e-learning mode of courses on the base of the manuals project will facilitate access to the education for disabled persons as well as for busy engineers from construction industry.

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