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Common Heritage Based Initiatives in Joint Tourism Development (CHI)
Start date: Nov 30, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project is about forming a Szeged-Subotica-Sombor cross-border tourism micro-region with joint development strategy, common appearance at tourism exhibitions / fairs, creating theoretical background to joint development and procurement of equipments in order to produce satisfied visitors and higher added value to tourism attractions.‘Core’ idea of our project is: instead of rivalry, the cooperation joint appearance and joint programs lead to competitive edge. The partners’ and the settlements’, where the implementation will take place, common interest is that none of them would like to remain ‘one day’ destinations from visitors’ point of view.To realize this conception, partners looked for such common values that can be taken as a basis to our tourism partnership from the beginning. Secession architecture is an untapped common potential that forms a ‘jumping off place’ to build further joint tourism development initiatives on it. Achievements: The project partners embarked on creating a Szeged–Subotica–Sombor cross-border tourism micro-region. They were guided by the vision that instead of rivalry, cooperation, partnering and joint cross-border tourist programmes will result in a competitive edge. They identified the common interest of the three largest towns in the region: none of them want to be just a ‘one day’ destination from the point of view of visitors. The core idea of this project was to create a joint development strategy and implement it through joint appearances at tourism exhibitions and fairs, distribution of designed promotional material and joint improvement of equipment.The partners first defined a common value that could be the basis of their partnership. They identified Art Nouveau architecture as an untapped common potential and transformed it into a building block for further joint tourism development initiatives. The project partners prepared a joint tourism strategy and published studies about Art Nouveau in the South Great Plain and in Vojvodina, as well as about cross-border cooperation in the European Union in the field of tourism. They created a tourism film about the Art Nouveau values of Szeged, Subotica and Sombor, made an Art Nouveau benefit card, organized exhibitions, trainings, study tours and appeared together at tourism exhibitions and fairs in Hungary and Serbia. The partners acquired info terminals and designed its software and content. The placement of touch screen info terminals in the cities is a way to offer accessible information about the most important buildings and sites. In the spirit of equal opportunities, architectural models of Subotica and Szeged for the blind and visually impaired were made and placed in the main squares of the two cities. The project reflects a very cooperative and inclusive approach to tourism in the border region. By exchanging ideas and utilising common strategic planning, the two partner institutions from two countries enriched the tourist offer with joint programmes which highlight the similarities between the two countries.

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  • 85%   193 587,46
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Serbia IPA CBC (HU-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants