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Common Culture makes Common Citizenship

The main objective of our partnership was to reinforce European citizenship in our students, (aged 13-19),through the study of historical, cultural and geographical aspects in which our common roots and our specificity lie. Teachers and students from five European schools worked together on how a better knowledge of the common roots in the European culture can lead to a full awareness of the European citizenship. Firstly, through analysis and comparison, students and teachers evaluated a few great changes in the history of Europe and their consequences in the last decades. The main fields of research were : a) the identification of fundamental bonds referring to the common changes which have been occurring in each country and in Europe after the end of the Second World War ;b) the study of the urban, territorial and landscape transformations ; c) the main changes in Europe after the Fall of the Berlin Wall: the effects of immigration flows in each nation and the changes in the integration regarding young people and women; d)the analysis of the main transformations in the cultural field; e)the identification of a set of shared and common values which build up the European citizenship. Each partner team explored and gave its contribution to the development of the chosen issues through PowerPoint presentations, then comparing and contrasting results at the end of each work session. Finally,two joint works were elaborated:a)" Our Common Values - Hopes and Dreams for the future of a Common Citizenship ; b)" After the Comenius Experience I feel more European because...", where students underline the great value of their experience.Four videos on the most significant moments of the activities were also produced. Partners shared materials,products and results of the activities on the joint website,, promoting the project among local community, authorities, families, other schools, local and national media.

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4 Partners Participants