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Common Cultural Connection's
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Apr 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The CCC’s project aims to tackle a number of significant heritage issues common to all three partner countries. The heritage issues include diversifying audiences, overcoming barriers to access and presenting heritage that is not easy for the general public to see and visit. By combining the skills and specialisms of the two partners, with the MAT’s expertise in the development and delivery of innovative public outreach and education, this project will reach new audiences that do not typically engage with cultural heritage. The project will focus on an under-represented aspect of our shared heritage: archaeological evidence from coastal and marine sites. Our coastlines and waters are rich in sites of national and international interest, from unique submerged landscapes providing evidence from a time when the UK and Europe were linked, to shipwrecks, harbours and ports containing evidence of trade and networks between the partner countries. Due to their nature, however, such sites can often be overlooked as ‘out of sight, out of mind’. The project will work to raise the profile of this unique and finite resource, encouraging people to become involved in their cultural heritage. Heritage plays an important role in a community’s sense of identity, the project will help people define what they value as heritage, construct their own sense of identity and strengthen a sense of belonging among EU citizens. By developing public understanding of the resource we will also encourage people to become involved with championing the long-term sustainability of our heritage, a heritage to be proud of for future generations. Cultural heritage is often seen as something restricted to museums and academics, the project will be delivered through the MAT’s Discovery Bus providing greater opportunities for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to learn about and become involved with their heritage.

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2 Partners Participants