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COMES - Create Opportunity to Motivate and Embolden the Students
Start date: Sep 12, 2016, End date: Sep 11, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Technical Professional Institute “E.Fermi - C.E. Gadda” faces every day a very important social commitment that goes beyond the education world, conceiving new standards of cohabitation in the territory of Naples , worn out by the widespread degradation affecting a young population that is often exposed to significant cultural and economic disadvantages. The “Fermi-Gadda”, also considering the recent Italian School Reform, grasps the need to develop a constitutive medium able to offer to all students an experience of personal growth, regardless of functional dissimilarity and specific needs.It is, therefore, essential to develop the school’s offer in an inclusive way. To work within a difficult area, where the students struggle with having confidence in the future, exposes the school to dispersion phenomena. The project idea arises by the need to obtain standards of inclusion to counteract the students dropout. Therefore, the comparison with foreign partners becomes highly strategic in order to widen the instruments and the operational vision of the school, as well as to improve participation in education standards. The European Program Erasmus+, thus, is a great chance to put part of the staff of “Fermi-Gadda“ in direct contact with virtuous foreign realities, through mobility programs meant to achieve a job shadowing training, passing through a deep experience and comprehension of the implementation issues of what learnt.To implement the activities of mobility two foreign schools, partners of the projects, have been selected:• The “Lycée Professionnel de l’Estuaire “ in France: it is highly qualified in programs of inclusiveness and diversity management, offering efficient training programs to particularly disadvantaged students. Furthermore, the college has developed an extensive and efficient network both with local and international businesses, for the carrying out of internships, consolidating an exemplary school-job standard.• The “Instituto de Educación Secundaria-Julian Zarco” in Spain: it is a particularly active school in intercultural and interchange programs with other European schools set on a multilingual approach, having a special cultural bond with France. The School has made internationalization its distinctiveness.The two identified partner schools may offer important contributions for the development goals targeted by the “Fermi-Gadda”. The Project C.O.M.E.S.- Create Opportunity to Motivate and Embolden the Students- will provide 25 mobility programs (addressed to 20 Teachers and 5 technical/administrative employees) and dissemination activities in order to achieve a diffused, cultural enrichment for the staff as well as to improve students inclusiveness, participation, enthusiasm, and motivation.Specific aims of the Project :• to improve the understanding of young people’s specific needs in the school and of the ones of the area achieving the Annual Inclusiveness Plan;• to improve the educational proposals and the level of interest and active participation of the students;• to improve the quality of extracurricular activities;• to encourage internationalization realizing projects of collaboration and comparison with school and teachers of other countries;• to improve paths of continuity school-job, through highly educational trainings in order to develop marketable-skills;• improve the teacher’s language and communication skills.Activities covered by the project:• activation of an information desk inside the school and distribution of material in the area;• creation of a web page dedicated to the project;• implementation of a communication plan;• participation of school staff to eTwinning;• evaluation of candidates;• mutual approval of individual programs of mobility between “ Fermi-Gadda“,beneficiary of mobility and the hosting school in order to sign an operating agreement shared and mutually monitored /assessable;• monitoring /evaluation of the activities;• activities for the internal transfer of knowledge and skills learned in mobility, following an ECVET approach.The impacts of mid-term of the project:• the internationalization of the school, participation to an European Network and exchange of practices and educational approaches;• realization of integration programs working on future perspectives of a wider range of the young population of the area;• to lower the school drop-out rate by 10% within the next two years;• realization of abroad internship for the students in order to achieve a school-job aim.
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