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COMBA - Competence Based Approach

The project aimed to transfer to career guidance staff and trainers in the partner countries the competence based methodological model and the relative self directed learning, virtual environments in order to improve and innovate methods and approaches to career guidance and training to valorise and develop in people the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the key competence on the spirit of initiative and enterprise, so that they could develop the methodological ability to diagnose and train people in entrepreneurial spirit (the ability to translate ideas into actions, creativity, innovation, project planning/management, exercising leadership, analysing, communicating, negotiating and working in a team) that are essential for those who want to start up and develop their own business. The initiative was promoted by Conform in partnership with Organisations that are an expression of the Public Sector (Provincia di Avellino) and the world of research/training, members of CONFORM (FOREMA, GIP, CIFESAL),and/or Consortium partners (FLM, PETROC-UK, UNIVERSITY OF SZCZECIN) who had worked together for a time in projects of methodological innovation to implement the competence based approach such as: EUTRANEX–I/04/B/F/NT-154094 (CIFESAL- ES,GIP –FR); QuAss - Quality Assurance I/06/B/F/PP–154214 (CIFESAL - ES,FLM-ES,GIP-FR,PETROC-UK);E-CODE-LLP-LDV/TOI/2007/IT/383 (CIFESAL,GIP,PETROC); PATHWAYS TO WORK UK/09/LLP-LDV/TOI-163_252 (UNIVERSITY OF SZCZECIN – PL, FLM – ES). The Project, in line with the strategic framework for European cooperation in the education and training sector -ET 2020, intended to respond to the need to innovate guidance/training models, to implement innovative approaches and create the conditions so that citizens can opportunely be guided/trained to acquire and/or develop entrepreneurial competences, characterised by a sprit of initiative, the ability to forecast events, independence and motivation to fulfil objectives. The project, via a process of sharing, transnational mobility, application and transfer of the competence based Model and the relative self directed learning environment, aimed to have an impact in terms of observable methodological innovation: 1) in the Training sector, favouring the continuing professional development of trainers providing them with the methodological ability needed to train people and give them a sense of initiative and enterprise, via: propensity to change, motivation and definition of objectives; 2) in the career guidance sector, providing competence as a reference to evaluate if users possess skills of reflection, critical sense and creativity, that provide a competitive advantage in the Labour Market.

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