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College Programme MEMRD - College Programme in Municipal Environmental Management for Regional Development

The College Programme MEMRD project will develop and pilot a modular study programme, at university/college level, in the field of 'Environmental Management' aimed particularly at municipal and regional development personnel.Development of such short-term professional training within further and higher education will thus contribute to bridging the gap between vocational and tertiary professional education.A series of 12 training modules will be created (with a higher education value of 80 credit points), each comprising syllabus, handouts, brochures and individual case studies. Support materials will further be developed to include guidelines for course teachers / trainers. The modules, support materials and curricula will be produced, in all partner languages (LV, DA, EL, EN & SV), in printed and CD-Rom format and will, where necessary, be supported by video-based material.Initial piloting of the course will take place across the partner countries with findings influencing final course content/structure. In addition to being offered within higher education institutes across the partner countries, it is envisaged that existing municipality staff be offered short term training (selected modules only) thus allowing for the widest possible use of the material developed.A dedicated website will be created to act as both a communication platform for partners and an information site for other interested bodies, a project newsletter will also be published and use made of the Local Agenda 21 (LA21) network to ensure a wide-ranging dissemination of the project results.
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