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Collection of used batteries, accumulators and WEEE through public awareness campaigns on better waste management (COLLECT +)
Start date: Jun 1, 2012, End date: Dec 20, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background EU legislation is promoting the collection and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC) as well as the collection and recycling of batteries and accumulators (Directive 2006/66/CE). The directives require the implementation of collection schemes where consumers return their waste free of charge. Despite this legislation, only one third of electrical and electronic waste in the European Union is separately collected and appropriately treated. Part of the other two thirds is still going to landfills and to sub-standard treatment sites in or outside the EU. Objectives The aims of the COLLECT + project were to: Promote better waste management for a more efficient use of resources; Increase consumer awareness in the area of waste management through information and communication campaign, targeting 8 million people. The messages developed and tested during the campaigns would be accessible to all the consumers of the CASINO stores participating in the project. In the long term, the COLLECT + project aimed to change consumer behaviour, encouraging them to more systematically collect and return their waste; Increase waste collection of five categories of used products: batteries and accumulators, ink cartridges, mobiles phones, lamp bulbs and other small electronic equipment. The installation of new sorting bins in the 400 stores participating in the COLLECT + project would enable consumers to return a large quantity of waste. The project endorsed the EU commitment to reach a minimum level of collected batteries and accumulators by September 2016. Furthermore, the COLLECT + project aimed to develop simple and universal messages in order to share information and good practices with consumers on: The potential effects on the environment and human health of the substances present in waste batteries and accumulators and in WEEE; The benefits of not disposing of waste (batteries and accumulators and WEEE) in household bins but in the appropriate ones to facilitate treatment and recycling; The collection and recycling schemes available to them and their role in contributing to the recycling of waste batteries and accumulators and WEEE; The meaning of the symbol of the crossed-out wheeled bin; and The correlation between waste and resource efficiency. Results The COLLECT + project reached its goals, carrying out advertising campaigns featuring in-store animations, radio messages, and publicity in catalogues and direct e-mailing. These campaigns results in a significant increase in the amount of recyclable waste collected at Casino stores. Indeed, the collection of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), batteries, ink cartridges and lamp bulbs increased by 25% during the period of the project. Such an increase led to a subsequent increase in the recycling rate and thus a reduction in the impact of products on the environment. Furthermore, feedback from consumers was very positive, and the project clearly raised awareness on the importance of recycling. Awareness-raising activities on recycling in France had been led by public authorities (e.g. ADEME and local authorities) and the environmental agencies in charge of the treatment of the different product categories. Super and hypermarkets, a central link of the chain of recycling, were not part of this promotion. The project Collect +, however, engaged a retailing company, reaching out to customers for the first time and training staff to increase the visibility of this issue. As a result of the project, more than 920 000 consumers changed their behaviour and adopted good recycling practices. The significant increase in the quantities of collected products could have an economic benefit, creating jobs in the collection and recycling of products. Involvement of staff was also a key factor in the success of the project: an internal communication plan was established to mobilise all employees; an E-learning module was developed to inform the teams on the management of collection in the stores; and an internal challenge was organised for the second campaign. Also under the project, a seminar was held that brought together numerous stakeholders and involved the active collaboration of the Eurocommerce network. The long-term impact of the project is ensured by the continuing participation of the network, along with the Fédérations des Entreprises de Commerce et de Distribution and two subsidiaries, Vindémia and Franprix. The After-LIFE communication plan foresees the maintenance of the recycle bins and the distribution of the project communication tools, along with continued monitoring of the amount of waste collected, client communication, training of Casino employees, and dissemination to non-participating Casino stores and other retailers. Further information on the project can be found in the project's layman report and After-LIFE Communication Plan (see "Read more" section).
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