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Collaborative learning for enhancing practical skills for patient-focused interventions in gait rehabilitation after orthopedic surgery
Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Recommendation of the EU Parliament and of the Council of the Establishment of ECVET are taking place in a framework in which there is a serious need of complementarity between vocational training and higher education. Although in many specialties, computer assisted education has long been integrated into educational curriculum, in medical education, this happens sporadically, despite the great interest of medical specialists for this type of training. A growing number of reports draw attention to the need of adjustment of the offer in medical education to labor market needs. There are no on-line available guidelines on surgical procedures free of charge and most on-line courses offer no recognised accreditation. Gait analysis is performed within a great range of methods: in Romania at least, none of the hospitals have trained personal for gait analysis and the analyse is based on visual observation. Taking into consideration all these aspects, our project addresses to medical professionals (residents, medical specialists), proposing the aquisition of key competencies in orthopedic and rehabilitation VET as requested by the labour market,by innovative approaches in training (e-learning; patient-focused interventions in gait rehabilitation after orthopedic surgery). The OBJECTIVES of the project, with regards to the programme tackled priorities are: - development and implementation of innovative practices (open resources) in orthopedic and rehabilitation vocational training - improving basic skills in the field of orthopedy and rehabilitation (assesment, decision, treatment for different pathologies) - development of new skills as requested by the labour market (computerized gait analysis) - development of transversal skills in the field of language, ICT , team work, decision. Validation of gained competences of participants by CME credits in order to assure sustainability of the training is forseen, as well as integration of good practices /new methods into daily activities at the work place, to get a greater effectiveness of activities for the benefit of local communities (increasing the level of health care, patient satisfaction, decreasing health costs) The direct Target Group of the project include medical doctors - residents or specialists in orthopedics and rehabilitation; estimated number of persons= 150 trainees (from Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey). The intellectual outputs are represented by: - O1 - Reports and research studies, aiming to develop common references for VET in orthopedy and rehabilitation in paticipant countries . -O2- Gudeliness of standard procedures in lower limb orthopedic surgery and rehabilitation will contain 24 procedures and corespondent videos, capturing in real practice the manoeuvres presented in the guide, for a better conection between knowledge and skills. The video material will create support for autonomous leaning practical skills for the trainees. - O3- COR- skills e-learning platform. Consists in a repository of training material with real clinical case studies using digital imaging and accompanying notes with a multi language user interface and an assesment system- multiple choice tests and case studies. The main goal of the application is to give students the possibility to follow training materials, evaluate knowledge and communicate with all involved parties. This will function as a virtual medical environment, similar with the work place. - O4- Trainer s transversal kit – orthopedic&rehabilitation. It aims to introduce the developed resources into current VET&medical lifelong learning. It will present the content of the procedures, the videos, the case studies and the way to be accesed but also to be developed by trainers. The impact envisaged for target groups consist in offering an development and updating of skills and competencies as requested by labour market. Increasing employability by promotion of a skills-based approach by the collaboration of universities and hospitals as well as facilitation of personal and professional development is also estimated. In terms of organisations the impact can be defined as follows: Providing easy usable teaching and a learning tool suitable for lifelong learning. - Enabling the medicine services to become more qualitative through increasing efficiency, through using best European practice. - Offering additional opportunities for non-formal learning (case studies). - More strategic and integrated use of ICTs and open educational resources (OER) by education and training; - Reinforced interaction between practice and research by training for new technologies. - Filling the gap between diagnosis and treatment The potentially longer terms benefits are represented by: Universities and higher education centers, Employed Medical Doctors, Professionals in health care, Hospitals, vocational training centres , associations representing the medical profession and medical students,patients
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