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COGSAFE - Cognitive Human Factor Training to improve Social Skills in Sectors with High Safety Requirements and with the Aviation Industry as an example

COGSAFE will both undergo a needs analysis and develop a specialist training module in Human Factor Training for employees in the European aviation industry. The initial focus will be on training for aviation mechanics and maintenance staff where communication and interaction takes place across a wide range of differently skilled personnel.The term 'Human Factors' refers to employees personal and social skills, such as logical thinking, communication, responsibility, ability to co-operate, etc. and training in this area is expected to contribute towards individual potential to foresee and/or prevent risky incidents or accidents in the aviation industry.Following initial analysis, where existing training methods and materials will be reviewed, a specialist Human Factor Training Module will be developed. The module will incorporate a number of training approaches to include: computer based training, case study activities, group training and teacher-centred training.The new training module will be supported through the development of a specialist multimedia Computer Based Training (CBT) tool to both train and assess students, however this should be seen as more of an instrument to support the overall training package. Initial piloting of the course is expected to then take place to influence the final development process.As a natural consequence of the development of the new training tool and assessment methodology, further focus will be on the skills of the trainers/instructors themselves and the project will undergo initial development activity in the production of a pedagogical catalogue with input for the future development of a training course for industry training personnel.
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