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Çocuk Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Uygulamalarının AB Boyutu
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In this project, 60 students who have education in the child development and education department of our institution and our partner institutions will be our participant group and also these students will be at the age of 16-18. 6 teachers who are specialist in their field will companion to our students. Childhood period has different characteristics from other period of development. In this period, depending on precocity and growth of children, children get sick frequently and they encounter accidents and hazards due to their excessive curiosity and interests, investigation of environment desires, their quicksilver behaviour but their insensible behaviour aganist potential danger in the environment. As long as what children learned become permanent, they can protect themselves through repeated behaviour. However, until this stage members of profession who work in child care and education field should be knowledgeable, capable, experienced and sensitive about health and safeness. In accordance with 2012 Turkish Statistical Institute data; they are reported that children under 5 years of age death number is 62 thousand in Turkey and usually children above 1 years of age death reasons are accidents. Due to accidents, every day 133 children die and every year permanent disabilities are seen in 10 thousand of children. Drop, apnoea, obliteration, burning in fire, drinking/eating cleaning agents, drug toxicity and traffic accidents are fatal accidents for children. Children’s health and safety (CHS) works are incipient in our country (2011). In this sense, personnel or specialist of children’s health and safety who will take charge in this new children based field are needed. In the direction of request of our country and field, our participants need to improve their CHS implementations at the level of EU, their knowledge, ability and attitude about children’s health services (CHS) field and also they need to learn techniques and methods of implementations locally. With Erasmus+ project, they are targeted that participants will gain knowledge, ability, experience and sufficiency at the level of EU standards and particular to CHS, our participants will be certified, they will receive a title, they will have high education and they will get a job. Accompanied by our project is implemented; qualified member of profession who have knowledge, ability at the level of EU standards and in the field of CHS is ensured, Innovator and useable equipments which are towards CHS will be transferred to our country and our project will contribute creating sample CHS model/module. And thanks to our project, participants will be able to have higher education Enhancing the improvements of participants’ cross-cultural communication/language, social abilities and improvements of their self reliance Participants take the opportunity of job training/education in the different country, different race/religion/language and culture our project mediates to minimize preventive accidents and diseases Participants will be transfer their gain such as knowledge, abilities, experiences to their friends/ members of profession and so the target group’s health status is enhanced and national economy will be recovered. Thanks to our project, CHS fields will become widespread in Turkey, and sector authorities will be informed Our project will contribute our country’s socio-economic development, and it will minimize child death rate which is arising from diseases and accidents Our project will contribute to development of vocational education. Ministry of National Education and HP authorities will be informed Sample education model/module which includes knowledge received will be provided. ( In the sample education model; there will be methods and techniques which are used in countries for education, used equipments, reformed recommendation/suggestions, CD/DVD, brochures and e-books.) Participants will find a job thanks to education/training/certificates which they will receive and to give them these opportunities, strong partnership and creating strong network are required. Our project will contribute to create EU culture and thanks to our project our country will be introduced positively. Generalizing the project results in social networking site, in State institutions and organizations which are active in National-international CHS field, in association, foundation, nongovernmental organizations are expected results of project. Mobility will continue 21 days. It will include 6 run; in Netherlands, Spain, Romania, Austria, Czech Republic and Germany, every run includes 10 participants and mobility will be between the dates 17 April- 07 May 2016 and in total there will be 60 participants. Total time of project is 12 month. The starting date of project will be 01 September 2015 and ending date of project 01 September 2016.
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6 Partners Participants