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Çocuk İstismarı ve İhmalinde, Sessiz Çığlıkları Duyabilmek İçin AB Eğitimi’
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project includes the education of educators about “EU Education to Hear Silent Scream in Child Abuse and Neglect”. Our school will take part in this Project with its 28 participants as administrators, nursery and class teachers from Primary School. Child abuse includes physical, sexual and emotional abuse, while child neglect includes physical/emotional and educational neglect. Educational neglect involves not sending school-age children to school, allowing child skipping from school constantly and paying no attention to child’s individual educational needs. In the world child abuse and neglect varies between 1-10 percent, on the other hand according to Presidency of Family Research Association, this rate is 46 percent in Turkey and these are only the identified ones. The 74 percent of child deaths that viewed by “Institution of Forensic Medicine Morgue Specialization Department” is neglect, 20 percent of them is physical abuse and 6-10 percent is sexual abuse. One of the criterias that shows a country’s development is no doubt its education. These different types of abuse and neglect cause a public health problem which affects not only families but also society, social foundations, legal systems, education system and businesses. Disguising and not reporting this subject by proffesionals in child education and difficulties in diagnosing and also denying and keeping it unknown increase its importance. In solving and preventing problems shown by children that facing difficulties in school life because of Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN), applying special tutoring and teaching methods is unavoidable. However, because of lacking of a supporting program that prepared by Ministry of National Education, approaches and methods about defining these children in these situations, preventing them, determining risk groups and taking precautions for these children are unknown. Supporting programs are obligatory to prevent these problems and solve them. Diagnosing the children in time who exposed to CAN and well-informed and conscious teachers on appropiate approaches are very crucial. However, there is an insufficiency in our country about approaching the children exposed to CAN, evaulating clues given by the children and knowing which methods and technics should be applied. Therefore, there is a need for a development in this area for nursery and class teachers to give qualified, affective, sustainable and comprehensive education. The target of this Project is evaulating professional supporting programs about CAN in EU counries, removing information insufficiences by communicating and cooperating of colleagues and developing on forming a sample model product in this area. In this project, the aim is developing the efficiencies of participants and delivering information and experiencies to them about professional supporting programs and approaching methods for the children exposed to CAN, contributing the forming of a training module with the support of MEB (Ministry of National Education) for CAN, creating resource about CAN for class teachers in our country, building an effective education environment for the children to get the best physical, mental and social health and supporting the education policy in terms of EU and Turkey. Diagnosing the children exposed to CAN, determining risk groups, informing participants about approaching methods and developments at the level of EU, gaining information about the given training and transfering them, popularising them nationwide, finding common solutions to problems that faced in the training environment are expected to come true with our project. A sample training module will be performed according to our country’s conditions in line with the taken education in EU countries about CAN. In this module which will be developed, there will be supporting training programs about CAN from EU countries, precautions against CAN, methods and techniques on this subject, reformed recommendations, CDs and brochures. This project will be popularised nationwide by recommending this module to be in our education system in usage of our primary schools. The expected result of the project is raising health and education levels of the children by applying supporting training programs and gaining information about methods to define risky children and families. The period of the Project is 14 days and equal number of participants will attend in each group between 24.01.2016-06.02.2016 in Italy and 12-25.06.2016 in Holland with 28 participants in total. The total time of the Project is 12 months. The start date is 1st September 2015 and 1st September 2016.

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