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The goal of the project is focused on the presentation of joint, particularly multicultural, values of the historical area of Baranja as a joint tourist product on the tourism markets of both countries as well as in Europe. The project was carried out in three distinct segments: Osijek was presented with experience gained through heritage management during its candidacy for the world heritage list, expansion of the application for the project known as Pocs, the Cultural Capital of Europe in 2010 to the inter-regional space as well as preparation of the materials for an exhibition that presents the joint heritage of the historical area of Baranja in the city of Pocs and the Municipality of Draz. Achievements: Aside from 11 joint cultural and art events, 8 workshops and 2 expert conferences, the project also resulted in an exhibition of photos in Pécs that illustrates the values of Croatian-Hungarian co-existence. After having been exhibited on several locations in Baranya in Hungary, it was moved to Topolje (Croatia), where it has become part of the permanent display at the local Okaki dom (Okci center). Documentation (application) has been prepared to include the Osijek Tvrda (a fortress) to UNESCO World Heritage List, a printed version of the presentation of the region has been published in 10 thousand copies in Hungary and 10 thousand copies in Croatia and has also been made available on CD in 5 thousand copies in Hungary and 5 thousand copies in Croatia.
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  • 88.9%   149 101,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Slovenia - Hungary - Croatia (SI-HU-HR)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

4 Partners Participants