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CoachLearn - Enhancing sport coaches' learning, mobility and employment within the context of a European Sport Coaching Framework
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CoachLearn seeks to enhance sport coaches' learning, mobility and employment through the development of a European Sport Coaching Framework (ESCF) and associated research data and implementation and dissemination tools to act as recognised reference points across the Union for the development of coach education programmes and coaching systems. The Framework will also enhance national systems of vocational education and training in sport coaching by being referenced against the European Quality Assurance Framework for Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET) and aligned with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). The Framework will not only address the vocational education of sport coaches, but also those of coach developers (the trainers of coaches). CoachLearn and the ESCF will innovate in three ways: a) By referencing coaching domains, roles and statuses against existing European frameworks, such as the EQF, ECVET and EQAVET, to produce a highly contextualised framework fit for the European landscape, yet flexible for the customised application of its principles by different nations and different sports. b) By developing a set of tools and how-to-guides to support the implementation of the principles contained within the ESCF such as the recognition of prior learning and work-based experience. c) By providing adequate channels for communication, education and dissemination of the ESCF principles and tools to enhance the reach of the project and its impact across the Union and beyond. CoachLearn will operate via a consortium of organisations led by the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) which will consist of a range of partners with an established track record in coach education, mobility, recognition and employment of sport coaches, as well as in the representation of the ‘voice of the coach’. The members of the consortium are also closely linked to the work of the European Coaching Council (the European arm of ICCE), which will facilitate the wider dissemination of the intellectual outputs from the project. Each of the partners has a proven track-record in their area of competence, which includes effective collaboration at the European level in previous projects. As a result of the above, CoachLearn will inform and influence the long term activities of the European Coaching Council and will contribute to the broader European efforts in higher and vocational education and training in sport and physical activity, as well as other sectors. This approach will also further enhance the competitiveness of Europe as a leader in sport coaching. Finally, CoachLearn will create a step change in the learning, mobility and employment of sport coaches in the 28 countries of the European Union which will invariable have a positive effect in the lives of those coaches, their families, their participants and their communities.

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