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Co-operation on promoting entrepreneurial skills and attitudes among young people in border regions (YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS)

The target group of the project is approximately 60 young persons in Rouge and Aluksne who will benefit from the following activities carried out during the project: 1) development of a training concept and implementation of a first training course on entrepreneurial skills using IT-sector as a case study (the IT has been chosen as a sector which allows overcoming the physical borders and distance) 2) seminar about use of IT (website development) for the young in Aluksne (building on experience from Rouge) and competitions on elaboration of best website 3) encouragement of Internet contacts (eTwinning) and 4) organisation of 'Entrepreneurial Day' and 'Sport and Healthy Eating Day'.The main expected outputs of the project are:Ad objective 1) Set-up (website computers training) for internet (eTwinning) contacts two one-day events ('Entrepreneurial day' and 'Sport and Healthy Eating Day')Ad objective 2) Close contacts between the centers established through the kick-off meeting mid-term review meeting and final conference of the project Ad objective 3) an innovative training concept on encouraging young entrepreneurs will be seminars on entrepreneurial skills and attitudes in Aluksne and Rouge seminar on entrepreneurial opportunities in IT will be carried out in Aluksne. Achievements: Progress reportThere are a lot of activities in the project for youngsters in Aluksne and Rouge: development of a training concept and implementation of a first training course on entrepreneurial skills using IT-sector as a case study (the IT has been chosen as a sector, which allows overcoming the physical borders and distance), 2) seminar about use of IT (website development) for the young in Aluksne (building on experience from Rouge) and competitions on elaboration of best website, 3) encouragement of Internet contacts (eTwinning) and 4) organisation of 'Entrepreneurial Day' and 'Sport and Healthy Eating Day'. 4)The Final conference.The training concept for the target group (30 young persons aged 14-18 in Aluksne in Rouge) was developed by SSE-Riga staff. The main idea of the concept is to educate young persons in entrepreneurial attitudes and skills. The training must develop personal qualities, offer contacts with the world of business. From February the first training of 30 young persons (such size of the group allows to have an interactive training) was carried out by SSE-Riga in Aluksne Children and Youth centre and Rouge Youth Club assisted by the local trainers - pedagogical staff in economics from SSE local high schools.The first training course gives the young people more specific examples on how to create a business. The training course consists of theoretical and practical part. Students are working in groups, pairs. Training is based interactive approach- group works, role-plays, simulation games. At the end of the training course students are ready to present the business plan created during the all period of training. 4 computers was bought and installed in Aluksne (Rouge already has such equipment and training) in November and from January for 4 months IT-seminar for young persons was carried out in Aluksne. 10 youngsters are involved in the IT course. They are working in groups. The number of computers (only 4 computers) restricts active participation of all youngsters at the same time. The focus of the training is how to set-up a business in the field of elaborating web-sites, and the training will focus on skills to develop web-sites. The participants are encouraged to participate in a competition on best proposal for a web-site for internet contacts (eTwinning) between young persons in Aluksne and Rouge Youth Centers.
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  • 75%   20 226,75
  • 2000 - 2006 Estonia - Latvia - Russia (EE-LV-RU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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2 Partners Participants