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Co-Design to Re-Engage the Disengaged

The Europe 2020 strategy identifies drop out from i-VET or early school leaving (ESL) as a key challenge to meeting employment targets. High rates of ESL are detrimental to making lifelong learning a reality and increase the risk of unemployment, poverty and social exclusion. ESL is over-represented among pupils with disabilities (61%), emotional/behavioural problems and migrants. Code RED focused on working with these groups of students who are particularly at risk of exclusion or drop out. The aim of Code RED was: To address the high proportion of drop out from i-VET. The steps to achieve this aim have been as follows:• Identified the real world issues that are causing drop out and failure in i-VET and ESL by conducting robust needs analyses in each country via user and stakeholder focus groups. The findings of this work may be found in the “CodeRED Stakeholders Needs Analysis Report” available in the products page.• Conducted a set of co-design workshops to engage end-users, engender a sense of ownership for the project, increase digital skills, where low-fidelity prototypes of games have been also developed. The outcomes of these work can be found in the “Code RED Co-Design Workshops Reports - Low-fidelity prototypes” report available from the products page.The process by which the workshops were run has also been enhanced and documented in the "Games Design Report".• Enhanced and transferred an existing employability curriculum by creating a skills-set in co-facilitated design of learning materials, together with a set of other learning materials. The transferred GOET curriculum (available at has been extented with additional chapters on co-operative learning and digital game design/authoring skills. The result is available in the products' section.• Designed and developed two desktop-based (and android-based) digital 2-D games, by transferring and enhancing the engines developed in the RISE project• Designed and developed 2 location-based (iOS-based) digital games, by transferring the knowledge of University of Athens in using the ARIS platform. Information on how to access/download the games, can be found in the products' section. • Created a set of other educational material, e.g., tutorials for game authoring software, questions and answers for games and for the curriculum, recommended content in the Unit for game co-design, etc.
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