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Cluster Building by Cooperation in the Agro-Food sector (CBC Agro-Food)
Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Apr 29, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The border area of Hungary and Serbia is characteristically agricultural with only some industrial operations therefore the development of agriculture cannot be neglected in this area. The economic development programmes often put the emphasis on high-tech industrial sectors and the agriculture is often left in unfavoured position. Consequently, it is of atmost importance to enable the companies in the agro-food sector to benefit from the economic support programmes and this can best be achieved via the creation of clusters and their efficient co-operation across the borders. This process can improve the business co-operation opportunities in the agro-food sector and indirectly in other industrial sectors. The trainings will give general background information but also some practical suggestions about how to create clusters and manage efficiently the business co-operation. The match-making events will enable companies to get to know each other better and also to establish direct business contacts over the border. The consultations will give further information and advice to companies that intend to develop their activities by cross-border co-operation. The team members and the external experts will provide advice for Serbian companies that will intend to establish clusters in Serbia (mainly at the consultations but also in between the events) therefore training and mentoring will be implemented in synergy. The study visit will enable Serbian companies to see in real life what had been presented earlier in the seminars as good practice. Achievements: A training was organized which provided overview with practical information about the cluster building experience of Kincses Bácska Cluster in Hungary to Serbian companies.

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  • 85%   103 028,50
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Serbia IPA CBC (HU-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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2 Partners Participants