European Projects
Start date: Jan 1, 2016,
End date: Aug 31, 2016
Close Encounters of the Green Kind is a project developed by Cremant Muses, a film organization located in Valencia (Spain).The main objectives of the project is to put in evicende how delicate is the environmental situation of Europe, help to raise awareness among the youth population about the challenges that this situation represents, promote audiovisual creations as a drive to kickstart a political and social progress and to strenghten the European identity among youngsters of different countries.We’re aware of the great potential that film has to enkindle minds and conscience among the population. That’s the reason why the exchange will revolve around a main activity, the production of a 5 minutes long short docummentary. The core of the film will be to study the enviromental situation of Valencia, using the problems found here as a basis for a comparison between ours and the problems that the other partners can find on their own, trying to discern which ones echo across the different countries. The objective is to sum the results of all the investigation and research on the subject of European environmental situation, and use it to create a powerful documentary that can highlight such situation in a bold new and creative way. We aim to create a powerful tool that will help raise conscience on this very important subject.The project is composed of two different activites: An APV, that will take place on the 27th and 28th of February, in which the youth leaders will meet to discuss and develop the main guidelines for the organization, activities and methodology that will be put to use on the main activity. The main activity being a Youth Exchange that will involve 32 youngsters coming from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Turkey, Poland, Macedonia and Spain.This partners have been selected for their own disparity, that will bring a great variety of points of view regarding environmental and sociocultural matters. Each parner will send 4 participants (two females and two males) and a youth leader. Any youngster between 18 to 30 years with a positive predisposition and interest on the subject can participate in the project. There is no age limit for the youth leaders. It would be prefereable that they had experience on similar projects or in the audiovisual creation field.With this project we aim to raise in the participants an evironmental conscience on an European level, as well as hopefully an interest on audiovisual creativity. The participants will be able to communicate their ideas and knowledge through the film documentary format, which can be used as a great tool for rising awareness on all kind of subjects beyond environmental subjects.Regarding the partner organizations, the key aspects of this exchange will be to establish a contact network and provide a great scenery for the sharing of good practices across the lenght of the whole project.This project can help to share good practices not just at a local level, but at a regional one as well. By developing an open dialogue about the environmental situation of the participating countries we intend to learn new political measures that can be applied progressively, first at a local level, and later at regional areas. The fact that the participants are members of different countires facilitates a possible application of the ideas developed in an international level. Such progress should start first at our own organizations, and others of similar interests, in order to be applied further along the road on local administrations, getting more relevance in the hopes that this proccess will help to generate political measures regarding environmental issues on a much bigger scale.