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Climbing for everybody – introduction of climbing and mountaineering sports as a physical and social activities for all
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project reacts on actual trends in climbing community and European society. The main project objective is to encourage people of all age and especially young ones to take active part in sport activities related to climbing and all kinds of mountain sports.The project is coordinated by Czech Mountaineering Federation and has 5 national mountaineering federations from IT, SL, HR, SK, HU as partners . Project lasts for 36 months.The project has four main activities: 1. Analysis, which should describe:- how the values are understand in its country- good and bad practice of how the climbing and mountain sports work as non-organised sport activities- activities of federation or other subjects in this field- social inclusion and equal opportunities - awareness of the importance of health and safety in climbing activitiesEach partner will prepare its own report and all partners will prepare statement report, describing common conclusions. The reports describe recommendations for further activities.2. Key activities are Mountaineering weeks which pilot methods, tools and approaches which can address people and encourage them to try some climbing and mountain sports. All together 5 MW will be realised within the project, each one in different country. Each MW last for 6 days and will consist of seminars, workshops, presentation, practical examples etc. MW are focused on public, climbing public and part of them is dedicated to experts of partners.3. Awareness rising activities – which aim to introduce the main project issues to climbing and general public in each partner country.4. Action plans and methodics – based on the experience from piloting partners prepare methodics for tools and methods. Each partner will prepare its action plan which will describe their future activities supporting the project issues. Partners will also prepare an international action plan. All action plans are the bases for the multiplication and sustainability.
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5 Partners Participants