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CLIL-O.W.NE.R.S. : an Open Window for a NEw Reasourceful School
Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

I.I.S. Pietro Scalcerle is made up of two schools: a Foreign Language High School, with 7 courses and 950 students, and a Technical School with 4 courses and 550 students. Starting with the last school-year, new regulations are being enforced that provide for the teaching of 1 or 2 subjects according to CLIL methodology in all the 3rd-year and 4th-year courses of the Language School as well as in the final year of both schools. The “CLIL-OWNERS” (CLIL: an Open Window for a NEw Resourceful School) project aims at creating the foundations for the implementation of such regulations introducing CLIL teaching. This will be accomplished with the training of 12 teachers during the year 2017 who will attend a two-week course abroad (11 in the UK and 1 in France) dedicated to the study of the new CLIL methodology and the improvement of the linguistic competence of the participants. Besides this, our aim is for these teachers to become an opportunity of transformation and development of the teaching practices of other colleagues of the same course not directly involved in CLIL teaching. The protagonists of this change will be the teachers interested in CLIL teaching who, through their project activities, will have the opportunity to be trained, build a working team and have a fly wheel effect on structural transformations in the whole school. In order to guarantee the success of the project, the applicants will be requested to state their willingness to use CLIL methodology in their teaching activities, to have at least a B2 competence in the chosen language according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, to have shown good disposition to team work and to have advanced competence in the use of ICT. The most important topics included in the training project refer to CLIL methodology applied to three subject areas:• Science (Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry, Physics)• Arts/Sports (Art History, Physical Education)• Humanities (History, Human Sciences)Preparatory work will mainly concentrate on the methodology required for CLIL teaching in order to refine the pedagogical and assessing competence of the teachers involved in this innovation. The mobility training will deal with didactic planning conceived as research and preparation of specific resources that will be useful for teaching a subject according to CLIL methodology. Besides improving linguistic competence, the full-immersion training context will open several opportunities of research fostered by native speakers who teach the same subject as the beneficiaries of the project. Through simulations and peer education, the mobility beneficiaries will be trained in the management of a class environment where content and linguistic competence must be integrated. They will explore the class-group’s internal dynamics, refining their management techniques to develop the multi-lingual communicative abilities, the motivation for study and the spirit of research of their own students. After the beneficiaries’ attendance to the training course abroad the teaching of a non-linguistic subject according to CLIL methodology will be applied to the curriculum of 21 classes of the Foreign Language School and of 4 classes of the Technical School for at least 50% of the yearly class hours of that subject. It will be the task of the trained teachers to integrate CLIL teaching into the educational plan of the class’ Council of Teachers, creating a close collaboration with the Foreign Language teacher and the other colleagues to come to a common strategy concerning the didactic management of the class group focused on a student-based methodology. In conference with all the teachers of the applicant school and all the schools of the province who are interested, the CLIL-OWNERS team will provide common opportunities for further analysis, debate and sharing of the CLIL strategy. The constitution of a team of “CLIL-OWNERS” also involves the creation of CLIL didactic material that will be available to the team teachers who teach the same subject, but also to all the colleagues who mean to start the application of the same methodology in their own schools. For this purpose, the team will use the computer skills of its members to create teaching material that can be shared online through shared platforms such as Moodle.
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