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CLIC Teacher Training Course
Start date: Jul 14, 2014, End date: Jul 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Bundesgymnasium Bludenz, a school with distinguished reputation and an important regional function in the district of Bludenz in Vorarlberg, would like to increase the focus on international projects with a European dimension. In this regard the school intends to launch projects with students, initiate international cooperations and use modern communication technology (such as eTwinning, social media). In addition, the school profile is to be extended in a sustained and strategic manner as well. For this purpose educational activities abroad are planned. On the one hand the linguistic quality (in English) should be strikingly increased and guarantee a better implementation of foreign language teaching in other subjects. And on the other hand new contacts with future cooperation projects can be established within this teacher training programme. Finally, the various aspects of culture and history of European countries (as it is the case in Ireland) are to be integrated into the activities. Christof Thöny has been appointed for this training programme, following a transparent selection procedure. He has chosen European integration as an emphasis of his lessons (e.g. participating in competitions). Therefore Christof Thöny is the most suitable person with regard to the strategic planning of international projects and plays a key role in rearranging our school profile in the future. Positive impetus is expected from this teacher training programme, in particular for the school strategy and concrete projects (e.g. with eTwinning). We aim to pass the expertise, capacity and comparative advantages acquired through this programme on to our students and our teachers, for the benefit of all. Moreover they should get increasingly exposed to the Irish culture and history through the course location Galway. In the long-term, we are expecting a considerable progress due to the areas of school competencies involved and change of profile from a strong regional dimension, towards an international dimension as well. In a unified Europe, where regions play an important role, this aspect should be of particular importance.

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