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Clash of the generations: Digital Communication
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Training course Clash of the generations: digital communication will bring together 24 younger and older youth leaders from 4 countries: Estonia, Lithuania, Armenia and Georgia. The event will promote intergenerational dialogue and learning through the medium of new media. Participants will work together to understand intergenerational issues and shared experiences, thus developing new skills and techniques that can help promote intergenerational understanding. There will also be opportunities to develop understanding and skills in using social media to strengthen dialogue and develop future partnership projects. The event will bring older and younger people together to develop joint E+ and on-line projects of mutual interest and so explore the differences and similarities of interest between the generations and across cultural groups. The project will be aimed at youth workers and leaders and older people (40 years plus) from participant communities. The expected outcomes are that participants will identify and start to develop ideas for partnership projects that promote intergenerational understanding and foster intergenerational communication, using the knowledge and skills obtained from the event. These new creative initiatives will be on issues of mutual concern in their communities.
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3 Partners Participants