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Cities in Balance. Promoting Senior Economy in Europe (CIB)
Start date: Feb 29, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CIB is built on improving mainstream opportunities for seniors.with an aim of moving away from the traditional health & social care approach of intervention & treatment. This project is built on the premise that the more successful at encouraging mainstreaming of broader wellbeing issues for older people.the more the need to rely on the health & social care services will be reduced.This project focuses on services that improve the quality of life of seniors & help to enable them to live independently longer. A key activity of this project is to define & explore innovative strategies how to deal with the topic of ageing in order to empower seniors to remain/become included in their community & working life. Broadly speaking this will entail:Empowering seniors to ensure active participation in social & economic community life;Providing information & communication opportunities;Securing social. financial & technical inclusion;Providing post-retirement employment opportunities The involvement of seniors is crucial to the success of the project and will facilitate future learning.This will ensure older people have a voice in the way developments are pursued & will provide opportunities for seniors to bring their expertise & skills to the individual pilot projects. In addition the project strives to embed intergenerational opportunities in its work as these can:foster real understanding between people of different ages & backgrounds. whilst encouraging community involvement. joint learning & the exchange of experience. skills & knowledge between generations. With this aim the promotion of social inclusion.equality & mutual respect can be advanced.Similarly.there will be a particular emphasis on fostering senior citizens’ involvement in self-determined civic participation & intergenerational contact. the project has thus potential to make a significant & sustained contribution to the goal of enhancing the life of quality of senior citizens in urban environments Expected Results: CIB will develop a coherent transnational Training program “How Cities in Balance can adapt best to ageing” that enables participants to develop individual strategies for their enterprises/ organisations that recognizes & successfully reacts to the potentials & needs of older people. The program will at its heart strive to provide a shift in attitudes; leading to “barrier free open minds” with changed perceptions towards ageing in all professional spheres of actions. The added value of this program will improve the skills of trained employees & entrepreneurs & widen options for actions through raised awareness in better skilled work force. It is envisaged that a first training program starting in the last phase of the overall CIB-project can be used for a number of years following project closure. Additionally, CIB will develop a scheme for future continuation in cooperation with the FernUniversität in Hagen & their European networks CIB will deliver a range of evaluated test cases in the fields of WP 1 – Silver Hubs; WP 2 – Silver Inclusion & WP 3 – Silver Economy. I.e. the networks of senior volunteering, the set-ups of senior start-ups, the concept for senior information hubs, & other evaluated test cases of the pilot actions will have a long-lasting effect in the partner cities. Furthermore the evaluated transferable aspects & results will stimulate other NWE cities to set up similar activities for meeting the objective of achieving balanced cities. As a final outcome focused action basic support & backing for the transfer of the CIB outputs into other NWE cities; an awareness-raising campaign “Active & enjoyable Ageing” will be used for promoting the positive aspects of ageing & the benefits for society during and after project closure. CIB will develop a roadmap how the exhibition can tour through the countries taking into account the CIB networks.

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  • 50%   2 750 390,39
  • 2007 - 2013 North West Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants