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CineMaths Paradise
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“Mathematics is the alphabet with which God has written the Universe.” With this quote from Galileo Galilei, we would like to emphasize the importance of Mathematical principles and concepts, which have become a part of almost every area of world. Unfortunately, students tend to consider that mathematics is a difficult and boring subject with no connection with real life. This lack of interest leads often to struggle and failure. “CINEMATHS PARADISE”, by providing a fun and enjoyable way to learn mathematics through movies, will enhance motivation of students in learning mathematics and make them conscious of the presence of mathematics in real life. Besides, as the project will focus on European movies, it will promote European culture through the seventh art: the cinema and give the students a feeling of being a European citizen. Moreover as the whole project will be carried out in English, it will improve the English skills of students. In “CINEMATHS PARADISE” students and teachers will develop a new methodology and provide educational techniques that enable an effective use of movies in maths classes. The aim of the project is the creation of two main tools that can be used by teachers: a bank of activities and teaching resources based on the movies studied during the project and a guide with a methodology to help teachers teaching maths through movies. These two tools will be available on our website and we will use educational websites, newspapers, training courses, social medias, etc. to make it known. “CINEMATHS PARADISE” involves four schools: IES Alcantara (Spain: coordinator of the project), Lycée Carriat (France), Agerbæk School (Denmark) and Evangeliki School of Smyrna (Greece). The four schools are complementary: by their size, their previous involvement in Erasmus projects, the scope of their national cinema and in the organisation of the project as the work is shared between the four partners. “CINEMATHS PARADISE” is based on a collaborative methodology that will ensure the quality of the resources. Each activity is coordinated by one partner who will prepare collaborative activities which will take different forms: games, quizzes, webquests, maths races, creation of maths problems, realizations of videos, production of mindmaps, debates, cooperative productions, remake of the scenes, video presentations, street interviews, etc. The collaborative activities will be carried out in multinational groups during the meetings, reproduced in each school after the meetings and improved according to the feedbacks given. In each organisation, a group of students and teachers will coordinate the project but many students will be involve when activities will be reproduced or during special events that will be organised around the project. We expect that “CINEMATHS PARADISE” will not only increase maths motivation and European dimension in the four partners school but will also motivate other teachers to use movies to teach mathematics in an enjoyable way.

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3 Partners Participants