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Cinekid Lab
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Jun 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In this project driven lab the seven participating screenwriters (five projects) attended the lab to further develop their film plans aimed for children being at a relatively early stage of development. The coaching offered to each filmmaker was tailor-made in order to answer the specific writer's and story' needs that occurred along this three-phased trajectory which took place during Cinekid in October in Amsterdam and during the Berlinale in February in Berlin.Each of the five participating projects was taken to a next stage of development; throughout the lab the core of the stories was further explored and defined and each writer left the lab with a better grip on his/her personal urge to share his/her story and what to do next. Each writer clearly identified which aspects of the project worked and which aspects still needed work, which was also applicable to creative skills. Within the time frame of the entire lab, all participants succeeded to write at least a new draft of their treatment and/or script.The group of writers (-directors) participating in the Script LAB all had different European and cultural backgrounds, therefore each story and its universal strengths and appeals could be experienced and tested from fresh angles. The international mix was an absolute value of the lab.In the coming year the group of participants will expand and the results of the action of the first year can be measured. Already two projects have submitted their projects to CInekid's Coproduction Market, which proves the Cinekid circle works. Besides that one of the projects is going into funding at the moment. For the upcoming year(s) it is our aim is to include more partner institutes from Europe and the rest of the world, to have a huge impact on the development of quality family and children's films.
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