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CinEd, European Cinema Education for Youth - Step 2
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CinEd is a European holistic initiative to 1/ expand and model cinema education in partner countries and Europe-wide, while adapting to different contexts 2/ target most young people aged 6 to 19+ in all Europe, in schools and out-of-schools, and enable them develop a sustainable taste for European independant cinema while becoming active and sensitive viewers, develop their knowledge and critical eye. CinEd integrates and links key elements :- An innovative digital platform for public screenings (not a VOD platform), available up to 45 countries in Europe, enabling easy access to a European film collection with quality resources;- A comparative, participative and progressive pedagogy considering films at different scales, allowing easy links between them, from multiple entries;- Educator training sessions in partner countries, adapted to all teachers’ subjects and levels;- In situ screenings and associated educational activities with young people based on 2 or 3 European films.CinEd year 1 has been dedicated to: develop common models adapted to diverse contexts, create a mutilingual platform, acquire and subtitle a collection of 13 European films, design teaching booklets and launch a first phase with young people in 6 countries.On year 2: 10 partners will deeply and durably implement CinEd in their countries, thanks to: "in situ" educational activities with young people; in-depth trainings of educators; enriched film collection and pedagogical resources. They will promote the programme in Europe, thanks to their networks, a promotional website and a study to commercial exploitation extension.CinEd cooperation strategy and European added value: an innovative, collaborative and operational cooperation between 10 partners from 8 countries (Bulgaria, Spain, Finland, France, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Czech Republic joined by Finland in Year 2) reaching European objectives and common results that none would have been achieved on its own.
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9 Partners Participants