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CIFP Juan de Herrera en movimiento! Experiencias formativas en empresas europeas
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project starts because CIFP Juan de Herrera develops projects that improve the quality of the teaching of our teachers, the learning abilities of our students and the improvement in the potential of their insertion in the laboral market. CIFP Juan de Herrera has Erasmus Charter. During the years 2012 - 2013 we develop several mobility actions. Our students were able to conduct their professional practices in companies of diferents sectors. This experience was very enriching for us and for the students who participated. We have contacts with other companies incorporating the United Kingdom as a place of learning through Bionanovate, and Malta with Michael Attard Ltd. AME (Malta) and Muhlhäuser (Germany) continue to participate with us in this Project. Students will develop their FCTs in companies but in European countries. The enrichment that this system brings to the learning of students is very important to develop their practices in another environment knowing realities nearby but different to everyday life. Similarly, teachers will develop too experiences in european companies. The project has a duration of 24 months into two academical sesions (2015-2016 and 2016-2017). Students are six and teachers are four. The project have fundamental objetives, strategic objectives and working objetives. Thos objetives defines the development of the program. Finally the analysis of objectives, develop the mobility activities provided for in the companies listed, for the number of students and teachers listed and in the conditions indicated. The top objectives are: technical and vocational training of the students, technical training of teachers, learning to speak another language and knowledge of another reality. So, we have developed a methodology based on development of system of FCTs in our center, and we apply the specific characteristics of a mobility project with practices in European companies, using to the experience of other mobility activities that we supervise, highlighting the interaction between student participant, tutors of Juan de Herrera and tutors of the companies. The expected results will have an impact on participating students, participating teachers, CIPF Juan de Herrera and companies: - Purchase of theoretical/practical knowledge in the development of the learning of profession. - Development of practical skills in their professional performance. - Knowledge of the business reality. - Practical Application of their new knowledge. - Learning and improving their capacities in other language. - Development Critical Sense. - European dimension. - Occupational Expanding posibilities. Finally, we determine a group of standards for evaluation of itinerary that will help us to evaluate the results and we have translated a few performances of disclosure to explain the impacts generated: - Difussion of results, motivation of other formation centers in our different environments to develop experiences of this type. - Experiences by the participants, preparing them to provide these experiences to the companies of the sector and the academic community. - Contribution to the implementation of this experiences since the our country (Spain) until the countries of companies (United Kingdom, Germany and Malta).

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